Friday, July 23, 2010

Disney and Pixar Collaborate on New Muppet Movie

Shortly before the release of his new movie, Despicable Me, Jason Segel revealed another upcoming title he would be working on involving the Muppets. Apparently, Segel will be taking the helm of a new project that Disney has unofficially coined as The Greatest Muppet Movie Ever Made.

Based on the majority of Muppet-themed works in the past, Segel and Disney will have some big shoes to fill.

Determined to get it right, Disney has now turned to Pixar for some help smoothing out production details. This move that has apparently become a practice for Disney as they also took some direction from the popular computer-animation crew on last year's Princess and the Frog as well as the upcoming Tron: Legacy remake.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, who wouldn't reveal any concrete information, Disney filmmakers flew to the Pixar Headquarters in Emeryville, California this past Wednesday for an official pow wow on the plot and basis of the possible new Muppet Movie.

...Read more of this story on my official page at

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Reading Recommendation: Naked in Death by JD Robb

By the end of this year, JD Robb, one of the New York Times Number-1 Best Selling Authors, will have published over 30 books in the In Death murder-mystery series, which was launched back in 1995.

What many didn't know for several years after the first book released, is that JD Robb was actually a pseudonym (or pen name) for the widely-popular and successful romance novelist, Nora Roberts.

Although these books have been around for nearly 16 years, I just began to read them for the first time this summer. But so far, I must say, I'm highly impressed. Though, how could I not be considering the book was written by Roberts?

Set some 48-odd years in the future (or 2058 to be exact), the In Death series follows Detective Eve Dallas in her quest to solve the most-perplexing murder investigations of the 21st century. As she toes the line between danger and romance, avid readers will certainly enjoy reading about Eve Dallas' big adventures.

In this first book in the series, Naked in Death, Eve works day and night on an unsolved case about the murder of the Governor's granddaughter, and a professional escort to boot.

A fast-paced story that will thrill you with its unexpected romance and surprise you with its majorly-twisted ending, Naked in Death is one book that you'll find hard to put down.

...Read more of this review at my official page on

Oberon Media Launches New Gaming Platform, Blaze

Out of all the gaming sites available online, there is one element that seems to be missing from the industry: unity.

While there are countless options available (casual games, social games, downloads, etc), it seems like you have to visit a different site every time you want to try something new.

Well Kansas City, it looks as if Oberon Media, the world's leading multi-platform casual games distributor, has come up with the solution to this problem and its name is Blaze.

Through the use of a global multi-screen system and social graph, Blaze makes it possible for gamers to search for the latest and hottest titles available while also allowing them to instantly connect with friends.

The pure social capabilities of the platform allows players to recommend titles, send free trial time as gifts, become fans of games, challenge their friends and more. Gamers will also be able to choose from a wide variety of game types including mobile downloads, casual titles and more.

But beyond its obvious benefits for players, Blaze will also be revolutionary for game publishers.

"With the launch of Blaze, Oberon's game-changing platform can provide huge benefits to game developers, our partners, and consumers," said Oberon Chief Strategy Officer, Ofer Leidner.

...Read more of this article on my official blog on

DVD Review: The Bounty Hunter (2010)

When you see a title featuring Jennifer Aniston (Friends) and Gerard Butler (Law Abiding Citizen), you get certain expectations in your head. The two are both very impressive actors, that much they have proved through their filmography alone.

But whether it was a lack of chemistry, bad writing, or a combination of both, The Bounty Hunter didn't really do it for me. It seems that Aniston and Butler just couldn't quite pull it together this time.

Now I am all for blaming this flop on the writing. There was hardly anything of value in this so-called script. The plot was underdeveloped, the comedy was half-ass, and the climax was well, to be honest, completely anti-climactic.

The various previews Columbia Pictures released for this film had shown real promise: boy meets girl, boy marries girl, boy divorces girl, boy brings girl to jail for bounty. Throw in a few laughs, sexual tension and some danger and you've got yourself a movie, or so it would seem anyway.

Unfortunately, this film did very little to live up to its promos. Nearly every spoken line between Butler and Aniston just seemed awkward. There was very little character development as well, which made it difficult to understand who was who and why they were doing what they were doing. It was a complete circus.

The idea of the couple working out their romantic differences while simultaneously solving a murder seems interesting enough, but the jumpy and confusing storyline kills it. Then, to boot, the horribly-dull ending the writers created for the film leaves you feeling like someone just popped your balloon...

...Read more of this review at my official page on

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Movie Recap: Nine Movies from 2009 that Deserve a Second Look

With the sweltering heat that's been sweeping through Kansas City these past few days, its been nearly impossible to spend much time doing anything outside. So instead, we must turn to indoor-activities for alternative entertainment. And what better way to spend a "rainy" day than to kick back with a few good movies?

But instead of running your wallet broke going to the theater multiple times, I urge you to go hunting for some of the older titles you've never seen. Save some money and take a trip to Redbox. There are plenty of movies out there that, although not big summer blockbusters, are still worth at the very least a rental or two.

On that note, I'd like to share with you my top picks for older rentals. These titles, which all released last year, may not have gotten the world's best ratings, but they're true entertainment value might just surprise you.

So, without further ado, here are a few of the titles that made my top 9 cut:

9. Drag me to Hell: Coined as a horror flick, this movie screamed ridiculous even in the previews. So then I must ask: why would you go into the experience expecting anything less? Eerie, yet slap-happy, this movie treads a line between parody and reality that few other films can successfully pull off. Except, this is Sam Raimi. Remember, the guy who directed The Evil Dead? In this latest film, you'll definitely see him return to his roots with a carefully mixed combination of laughs, guts, and chills. Featuring the talents of Allison Lohman (Beowolf) and Justin Long (He's just not that into you), this horror flick will definitely entertain, to at least one degree or another.

8. The Princess and the Frog: Ah, its truly been awhile since Disney took a break from its popular computer-animated films. While Up was definitely a good movie, it lacked some of the classic, storybook charm that this title has. With a large cast of new, lovable characters (voiced by Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos and others) a toe-tapping soundtrack and quaint southern animation, this film is definitely one the whole family will enjoy. Although it was overlooked next to the other films released last year, there's no doubt that this movie will transport you back to a different era that looks much like your childhood.

7. Obessed: We all knew Beyonce could kick butt on stage, but who knew she could whoop ass on the big screen as well? Including the acting talents of handsome Idris Elba (Prom Night) and the convincingly psychotic Ali Larter (Resident Evil), this movie will send sparks of creepy chills down your spine as you watch a completely wacked out office assistant stalk a married man. But, as one may have guessed, no one messes with Beyonce's man. Though slightly anti-climatic, the end of the movie will bring you a cat fight like you've never quite seen before. If you like suspense, this film is a sure-fire night of entertainment.

Discover more of these titles on my official page at

Monday, July 19, 2010

Theatrical Review: Despicable Me (2010)

When I first saw a promo for Illumination Entertainment's Despicable Me last Fall, I was rather baffled. To be honest, the idea of watching a hooked-nose villain and a bunch of yellow minions run around the big screen, especially when a plot line seemed non-existent or hidden at best, was not attractive to me.

As more previews came out, although slightly more humorous in nature, I was still unimpressed with the upcoming film.

When my brothers suggested that we see the movie this weekend, I agreed, but with great reluctance.

But now, after having sat through the easy 95 minute runtime, I've changed my tune. I have to admit, Despicable Me was a much better movie than the previews would suggest. Quirky, and perhaps odd in nature yes, but an entertaining film none-the-less.

Don't let the title and weird promos fool you into not seeing this movie. Although it doesn't reveal itself until a good 15 minutes into the film, there is a plot line, and its actually quite engaging.

The movie opens on a good ole' redneck family from the USA on their family vacation to Egypt. When the couple's son accidentally falls off a high construction platform and plunges towards the neatly stacked rocks of an ancient pyramid and ultimately, what appears to be his death...

...Read more of this review at my official page on

Review: "The Great Gatsby" PC

Well Kansas City, it's official. A new generation of computer seek-and-finds has arrived. Launched by I-play earlier this month, The Classic Adventure series is a new line of games that attempts to take players farther into the literary world than ever before. A combination of leading technology and the "Great American Novel", the Classic Adventure line puts a fresh spin on a timeless concept.

Over this past weekend, I had the liberty of trying out the first title in this series, The Great Gatsby, for myself. I must say, I was impressed.

I vaguely remember reading this novel back in high school. Well, I remember reading the cliff notes version any way. Perhaps if the Classic Adventure series had been around back then, I would have been more inclined to actually read the book, which brings me to my first observation about GG...

...Read more of this review at my official page on

Saturday, July 17, 2010

DVD Review: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt 2009

Upon first glimpse, 2009’s Beyond a Reasonable Doubt seemed to be an open-and-shut review: decent storyline, crappy writing, mediocre acting. It was definitely the type of movie one waits to see until it’s released on DVD. However, after one “doozy” of an ending, I knew my verdict would require a bit more pondering.

What I didn’t know before watching this action-suspense film featuring superstar Michael Douglas and Hollywood “hottie” Jesse Metcalf, was that it was actually a remake of a 1956 black-and-white movie donning the same title. After doing a little bit of research, I found that the storylines were very similar.

The basis of both plots begin with a writer’s pursuit for stardom. In the more recent movie, our protagonist is C.J. Nichols, Louisiana’s finest weird news reporter. For months Nichols has been searching for a real story but now it seems he’s found one in the city’s beloved D.A., Mark Hunter, a.k.a. Douglas.

Apparently in his quest to bring criminals to justice, Mr. Hunter has been planting evidence in order to acquire more death penalties, which is all part of his dastardly plan to obtain the title of Governor. In order to bring this unlawful lawman to justice, Nichols launches his own ploy of fabrication...

Read more at my official movie-review blog on