Wednesday, July 21, 2010

DVD Review: The Bounty Hunter (2010)

When you see a title featuring Jennifer Aniston (Friends) and Gerard Butler (Law Abiding Citizen), you get certain expectations in your head. The two are both very impressive actors, that much they have proved through their filmography alone.

But whether it was a lack of chemistry, bad writing, or a combination of both, The Bounty Hunter didn't really do it for me. It seems that Aniston and Butler just couldn't quite pull it together this time.

Now I am all for blaming this flop on the writing. There was hardly anything of value in this so-called script. The plot was underdeveloped, the comedy was half-ass, and the climax was well, to be honest, completely anti-climactic.

The various previews Columbia Pictures released for this film had shown real promise: boy meets girl, boy marries girl, boy divorces girl, boy brings girl to jail for bounty. Throw in a few laughs, sexual tension and some danger and you've got yourself a movie, or so it would seem anyway.

Unfortunately, this film did very little to live up to its promos. Nearly every spoken line between Butler and Aniston just seemed awkward. There was very little character development as well, which made it difficult to understand who was who and why they were doing what they were doing. It was a complete circus.

The idea of the couple working out their romantic differences while simultaneously solving a murder seems interesting enough, but the jumpy and confusing storyline kills it. Then, to boot, the horribly-dull ending the writers created for the film leaves you feeling like someone just popped your balloon...

...Read more of this review at my official page on

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